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~ Here to Stream the VideoPercy Schmeiser has been growing canola for 40 years. He's been experimenting, developing his own varieties, using his own seed. Then Monsanto, the giant multinational agro-chemical company that is at the forefront of developing genetically modified foods, accused him of patent infringement and demanded restitution for its seeds. They stole his plants, seeds & research because of cross pollenation with GMO plants that other people had planted within pollenaton range. If GMO's touch your crops... Monsanto owns your crop and will sue you. Pollenation is not containable. "I never put those plants on my land," says Schmeiser. "The question is, where do Monsanto's rights end and mine begin?"
Percy gives a full account of the specific alegations and breaks down the facts about GMO's in this 13 minute video.
Saturday, June 18th 2005 ~ Philadephia, PA
Related Links ::: Monsanto vs Schmeiser, Bio Democracy Resource Links, Northeast Resistance Against Genetic Engineering, Heartbreak in the Heartland
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