Triumph Over Hepatitis C ::. podcasts

Monday, May 29, 2006

Interferon Treatment for Hepatitis C, Worse Than the Disease

Contact Radio from 8/03/05
Seattle, WA
"Creating your day with Cameron and Lucia"
live on KKNW, 1150 on the AM band

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hepatitis C Survivors Lloyd Wright & Melody Beattie

Bradley Quick Radio Interview from 1/07/05
Lloyd Wright, Hepatitis C Survivor, Researcher and Author of “Triumph Over Hepatitis C” and Melody Beattie also a Hepatitis C survivor and author of "Codependent No More", a book that’s touched the lives of millions. Together they Kick-Off the Hepatitis C Awareness Campaign. Hepatitis C (HCV), known as the "Silent Killer" affects 15 to 25 million Americans today. “Triumph Over Hepatitis C” is the source of an Alternative Medicine Solution being used successfully by people around the world to beat the hepatitis c virus.

“There’s a lot of Hepatitis C education that needs to take place, both about how it’s spread and patient’s options,” says best-selling author Melody Beattie, who discovered her Hep C positive status two years ago after a routine medical exam. “People with Hep C have been largely on their own to get information about their rights and choices.” Who gets Hepatitis C? How’s Hepatitis C transmitted? Interferon, is it a scam? How can you Triumph Over Hepatitis C?

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hepatitis C talk on KRLA 2-19-05

Lloyd on KRLA with Bradley Quick. Call in show with discussions of antibiotic use with Hepatitis C, Natcell Thymus use and CODEX Alimentarius.

"Codex Alimentarius" means "food rules" in Latin. The organization was born in 1962 when the UN established the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) as a "Trade Commission". It was created to regulate, and thus control, every aspect of how food and nutritional supplements are produced and sold to the consumer. It is solely about trade and the profits of multi-national corporations. Codex will go into global effect on December 31, 2009, unless we, the People, take action and avert it.

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Related Links ::: More on Codex

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Reversing the Hepatitis C Virus

Bradley Quick Radio Show 4/09/05
Lloyd Wright, Hepatitis C Survivor, Researcher and Author of "Triumph Over Hepatitis C" an Alternative Medicine Solution being used successfully by people around the world to beat the hepatitis C virus. Lloyd explains the combination of herbs and glandular products and how they’re reversing the hepatitis C virus in those who use them. This Option of Alternative Medicine saves lives. "Triumph Over Hepatitis C" Now EXPANDED with illustrations, dosage information and extended commentary by medical doctors and Ph.Ds

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Saturday, May 13, 2006


Bradley Quick Radio Show 5/28/05
Lloyd Wright, author of "Triumph Over Hepatitis C" & "Hepatitis C Free, The People Speak" tells us that HEPATITIS C is NOT a "STD" - is NOT easily transmitted - is NOT a "Junkie Virus" - and there is a Natural cure that works! Hepatitis C affects over 15 million people in this country alone and Interferon only works 7% of the time.

Joining Lloyd Wright is Dr. Medici a Doctor of Naturopathy (the study of Natural Healing) a Chiropractor and a graduate of the Tri-State Institute of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. For the last 10 years, Dr. Medici has pioneered structural medicine, becoming deeply involved with rolfing, primal scream therapy, psychotherapy, yoga-all in the interest of tapping the emotional core of the patient and thereby harmonizing the magnetic fields of the body.

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