Triumph Over Hepatitis C ::. podcasts

Friday, March 24, 2006

Hepatitis C Talk on Eye on Health

Lloyd Interviewed on Joyce Johnson's Eye On Health
Dr. Joyce is the Founder of Wellness Center of America.

This interview starts with VITAL information about the Hepatitis A & B Vaccine that is often the first thing prescribed for new hepatitis c patients. However, taking these vaccines will cause your viral load to sky rocket and make recovery from hepatitis c much more difficult.

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Monday, March 13, 2006

KRLA Health Advice with Dr.Gene


Lloyd was Dr. Gene's guest.
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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Help Your Self with Bradley Quick show

This radio broadcast from KRLA radio in Los Angeles on November 6th 2004 is still the number 2 ranked show of all time on the "Help Your Self" with Bradley Quick show.

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Lloyd Wright & Melody Beattie on KRLA radio

Christmas Eve DEC 24th, 2005

Lloyd Wright substituted for Bradley Quick on KRLA.

Lloyd's Guest for two hours was Melody Beattie, author of Co Dependent No More and 14 best selling books. Melody is full of wonderful information about Hepatitis C and all kinds of recovery information.

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